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About the Company

GET EnTtra Sp. z o.o. has extensive experience in the area of power trading. It is one of the oldest independent power trading companies on the Polish market.

Its first trading licence was granted back in 1999 and since then, the company is actively trading all sections of the wholesale market. The company is acting as a Commercial Operator within the Polish power balancing market. We offer our customers standard and tailor made energy products. We also offer consulting services in the area of energy trading.

We run trading operations on the Polish Power Exchange or through bilateral contracts mainly on the basis of framework agreements, preferring international standard EFET 2.1a. We enter into a variety of contracts, with tenure ranging from spot individual hour day ahead delivery to long-term, multi-annual structured transactions.

Throughout its history, the company has built an extensive client base of both Polish and foreign based partners.

If you are interested in our offer, we are at your disposal at +48 (22) 526 53 00 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Get EnTra Sp. z o.o. is a subsidiary of Centrum Nowoczesnych Technologii S.A. (CNT S.A.). Centrum Nowoczesnych Technologii S.A. is active mainly in the area of infrastructural construction orders, carried out for local authorities through public tender procedures. More information on CNT S.A. is available on its website:


Supervisory Board

Rada Nadzorcza Spółki

  • Jerzy Wenderlich - Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  • Milena Szostak - Vice-President of the Supervisory board
  • Anna Kłapińska - Secretary of the Supervisory Board

Management Board

  • Tomasz Krzyżewski - President of the Management Board


Company history


  • September: GET EnTra Sp. z o.o. was granted an extension to its trading licence until 2034
  • March: Election of Tomasz Krzyżewski, GET EnTra’s President of the Management Board, Energy Trading Director as a member of the Executive Board of the Polish Association of Energy Trading
  • January: Annual turnover of the company for 2022 exceeded 730 million PLN.


  • January: Change of the company's registered office address


  • January: Annual turnover of the company for 2019 exceeded one billion PLN


  • May: GET EnTra Sp. z o.o. among the top 200 companies in Poland according to Wprost" magazine
  • March: Election of Tomasz Krzyżewski, GET EnTra’s Energy Trading Director as a member of the Executive Board of the Polish Association of Energy Trading
  • March: GET EnTra obtained a licence for the distribution of electrical energy valid until December 31, 2030
  • January: Annual turnover of the company for 2018 once again exceeded one billion PLN


  • November: First delivery of electrical energy via GET EnTra’s own distribution system


  • July: The company gains access to the Commodity Futures Market with respect to Property Rights of Renewable Energy.
  • January: Company's turnover exceeds one bilion PLN in 2016.


  • October: Conclusion of the first natural gas transaction.
  • May: The company gains access to the Day Ahead, Intra-Day and forward natural gas markets operated by the Polish Power Exchange.


  • December: The company changed its name to GET EnTra Sp. z o.o.
  • November: CNT SA purchases 100% of shares in GET EnTra Sp. z o.o.


  • December: Annual turnover of the company for 2013 exceeded 800 million PLN.


  • August: Gas trading license granted, valid through August 2027.


  • April: New electricity trading license granted, valid through April 2024.
  • March: The company receives the Gazela Biznesu 2008 award for beeing among the most dynamic small and medium companies.


  • August: GET EnTra Sp. z o.o. admitted by resolution of the Polish Power Exchange as a member of the co-generation certificates registry.
  • May: The company changed its name to Mercuria Energy Trading Sp. z o.o.
  • February: Resolution of the Polish Power Exchange granting access to the Day Ahead Power Market.
  • January: First purchase of energy produced in co-generation with the production of heat


  • November: Resolution of the Polish Power Exchange granting access to the EU Emission Certificate Market.
  • October: First contract for the delivery of energy produced in co -generation with the production of heat.
  • January: First contract for the delivery of green certificates.


  • December: Resolution of the Polish Power Exchange granting access to the Green Certificate Market.
  • September: Signing of the participation agreement with the POEE platform.
  • April: First participation in daily cross-border auctions.


  • November: First cross border transaction (Germany).
  • January: First trading session of the company’s on-line energy trading system called Kantor Energii.


  • February: The company changed its name to JAC EnTra Sp. z o.o.


  • September: Conclusion of the long term (optional) contract for energy purchases (most probably first such contract in the Polish energy sector).


  • April: Electricity trading license granted, valid through April 2009.


26 September 2023

GET EnTra Sp. z o.o. was granted an extension to its trading licence until 2034

23 March 2023

Election of Tomasz Krzyżewski, GET EnTra’s President of the Management Board, Energy Trading Director as a member of the Executive Board of the Polish Association of Energy Trading

    In case of power failure

    Energy emergency

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    Bulwary Praskie in Warsaw

    * call cost according to your operator's tariff